You can stuff a squash blossom? Why yes, you can, and they are delicious, seriously. I was introduced to them when I went to Rhode Island with my husband when we first met.
What do you fill them with? Squash blossoms are usually stuffed with a soft cheese filling like- ricotta cheese, mascarpone or a cream cheese base. When you are making the filling the blossom pairs well with lemon, basil, oregano, thyme and even sage (however, know that it will overpower the delicate flavor of the blossom). The mix is usually mixed together and then set aside until the batter and oil are ready. When you start to fill the flower only fill it half way up. If the flower is too full it won’t seal properly and the cheese batter will leak into the fryer oil.
How do you cook them? Squash blossoms are usually dipped into a light liquid batter of flour, beaten eggs, water (sometimes seltzer water for extra lightness) and then fried in a fryer. The trick to frying them so that the cheese filling doesn’t leak out is by holding onto the stem and allowing the tip of the flower to cook, therefore, sealing the flower. Thus, you would be able to drop the flower into the fryer for the rest of it to cook without the batter leaking out. Once it is slightly golden brown remove it from the fryer and place it onto a paper towel, salt it with Kosher salt, then serve it when it has cooled a bit. In the picture below you will see that I dusted the flowers with flour before I dipped them into the batter.
How do you hold a squash blossom? Squash blossoms are very delicate to the touch and if they are pulled or moved with out a gentle touch it’s very possible that you will rip the tender petals. So, when you’re removing them from whatever container you purchased them in, grab them from the stem and not the petals. Next, open them from the top and hold onto the ridges rather than the soft yellow interior.
What do squash blossoms taste like? It’s not an acquired taste per-say, but it is something that will catch you off guard initially. It’s earthy and sweet and let’s be honest, because it’s fried it covers a lot of the flavor up and leaves the sweetness with added saltiness.
How do you know if your squash blossoms are still good to eat? Chances are if you bought them you might be a little intimidated to cook them, which means they could have sat around in your refrigerator for a few days. If your squash blossom is wet, musty smelling or won’t hold it’s shape when you open the package you might have missed your window to cook them.
Should you buy large or small blossoms if you have the choice? Most the time we don’t have a choice and when you have a specialty item like squash blossoms that is very seasonal the may only have one size available. However, if you do have a choice I highly recommend buying the small to medium sized ones. They will be more tender and easier to eat.
How do you serve a squash blossom? Squash blossoms are typically fried so they can be served on a platter by themselves with a lemon vinaigrette sauce or they can be added to salads (delicious with arugula and baby lettuce gems). You can even serve them as a side with roast beer can chicken or a delicious filet mignon.

Recipe is coming soon!
Have you read some of our other How To’s? Like How to make a Charcuterie platter or How to make a Crudite? Or How to wash lettuce? They are all great reads.
Are you following me on Instagram? The photos featured in this article are on my Instagram feed-@marypmoran
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