Teaching a Zoom Biscuit Class to students in Germany has shown me a different way of connecting. The Corona Virus forced us to social distance and to retreat to our homes, in an effort to protect the front-line workers- doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, etc. We have been forced to live out of routine, which allowed space for me to teach an eager group of 5th graders from Germany.
I love teaching my biscuit classes at the King’s Roost in Los Angeles, California. It’s rewarding to sit in front of eager students and share secrets of homemade biscuit that’ll steer anyone away from store bought ones. It’s all about slowing down your inner dialogue, keeping calm and most importantly keeping your hands as cold as possible!

On an early morning in Los Angeles and late afternoon in Germany, I walked into my dark kitchen of my home and turned on the lights and the coffee maker. I set up my computer, got out my ingredients and within a matter of a second I was thrown into a bright group of students ready to learn.
“Good Morning,” I said with no coffee yet made. Their teacher, adorable and eager introduced me to the students, that were across my screen. It was in this moment that I realized that had it not been for the current worldwide pandemic this moment would not have happened for me or for them.
The 20 plus students were ready. They had their equipment and ingredients in hand. I began my lesson over my computer. I went through the supplies needed to complete this American classic. The students were patient and precise as they made sure they had everything required of them.
We went through each step, beginning with cutting butter into flour the students laughed as I told my silly jokes and stories of cooking over the years. We found common ground in an unlikely situation. We were all having the best time.

As I hoped for mistakes were made, my favorite part of teaching. The students one by one shared their mistakes with closeups on through their camera. Some were easily fixed and others were a little too far gone, but never-the-less I got them back on track so they could continue with the group.
The class was coming to a close and the students were cutting their biscuits with their desired cookie cutters. We all put our biscuits in the oven and the incredible moment of teaching students in Germany was coming to a close. It was perfect. The world in spite of a global pandemic and sheltering in place had managed offer an opportunity to connect and be together with students on a different continent with (for the most part) ease.
Many thanks to the students and their teacher Adriane Garland for giving me the opportunity to teach your class. Please keep in touch.