Los Angeles, Ca, January 27th, 2016 – Whenever I’m chopping vegetables or need a great utility knife I like so many reach for one of my favorites, but which are my favorites you ask? What knife should I buy is a frequently asked question. Kyocera is known for their impeccable ceramic rust-resistant knife blade and the particular knife we are testing is the 5” advanced ceramic.
Knives, in general, can lose their sharpness, the blade can scratch, and they can be awkward to grip, heavy in weight and overall not what you had hoped for.
Thus our test is warranted.
Kyocera knife test:
- A knife isn’t about one simple test; it’s about constant use over and over for a period of months. Our test included every day use of everything from chopping raw vegetables to cooked vegetables, raw proteins to cooked proteins and even cutting breads and pastries.
- The knife was ideal for raw soft-ish fruits and vegetables like apples, onions, zucchinis and mushrooms. The knife didn’t feel strong enough to cut through harder vegetables like butternut squash.
- The knife worked well on chopping cooked chicken and cold meats like left over steak.
Now for the pros and cons
- First, the knife has a desirable ergonomic shape that is comfortable to hold.
- Second, the knife is incredibly lightweight and a great everyday kitchen knife for any type of cook.
- Third, the knife is extremely sharp it retains its sharpness 10 times longer than steel knives.
- Fourth, the white color makes it fun and different from our other knives.
- Fifth, the weight is evenly distributed.
- Sixth, it can be easily cleaned and put into the dishwasher.
- First, The knife has limitations. The knife tip broke when we were trying to cut bread out of a pan. When we broke the tip we reread the users pamphlet and realized we made a mistake by trying to bend the knife and it snapped in half.
- Second, the knife cannot be used on all cutting boards, which could jeopardize the knife blade.
Overall Rating: 3/4 cup out of 1 cup. Kyocera’s Advanced ceramic knife is a great buy for the everyday cook and with the reasonable price point it can work for almost anyone.
Follow Up: I first tested this knife in 2014 and after snapping the first one I re-bought it and since then I have used it regularly and I teach others how to cook with it because it is such an approachable knife. I have even purchased the larger 6″ knife. It’s safe to say I love it more today than I did when I first tested it, but I am still going to stick with my initial rating due to some of the cons.
Purchasing Info: kyoceraadvancedceramics.com.