The persimmon, what is it and how to use it. At first glance persimmons are beautiful and interesting, then the frustration of uncertainty sets in. Though prevalent in California they are hard to come by in many regions of the United States. Persimmons are a tropical fruit and are in season during the fall.
If you’ve never bought or eaten persimmons before here are some helpful hints when you go into the grocery store.
There are two varieties: Fuyu and Hachiya.
The Fuyu is a squatty orange hard (when unripe) fruit that looks similar to a tomato. It is best eaten raw with the peel removed by a sturdy peeler and served in salads, tarts and even as chutney.
The Hachiya is shaped like an acorn and can be much darker orange color than the Fuyu. The Hachiya has a sweet and pulpy texture that can be scooped out with a spoon when it’s ripe.
Similar to the Fuyu the peel should not be eaten. You can use the Hachiya persimmon in breads, pies and eat plain.
Buying information:
- When they are dark and bright orange in color they are ready to eat, so if you want to eat it immediately buy one that is rich in color and if you are grocery shopping in advance buy one that isn’t quite as vibrant.
- Avoid bumps, bruises and discolorations when buying a persimmon.
- Know how you want to use the persimmon before you go into the grocery store.
Here is my delicious pomegranate, persimmon and burrata salad to give you a little insight on how to really work with persimmons and what to pair with them.
Pomegranate, persimmon and burrata salad
- 1 small bag of arugula
- 2 large Fuyu Persimmons
- ½ cup pomegranate seeds
- 1 burratta
- ¼ cup toasted hazelnuts
- 2 lemons halved
- ¼ c olive oil
- Salt and pepper

- Cut the top and bottom of the persimmon off
- Use a peeler and remove the skin
- Cut the persimmon into thin circles and set aside
- Add the arugula to a large bowl
- Add the pomegranates and hazelnuts to the arugula
- Squeeze the lemon over the salad and toss
- Add the olive oil, salt and pepper
- Plate the arugula and pomegranates on the plate and add the persimmons and hazelnuts.
- Cut the burrata into 4 and place it one piece on each plate.
- Season the burrata and persimmons with salt and pepper and a little extra olive oil
If you liked this try my green bean salad and green goddess wedge.