Los Angeles, Ca, February 10, 2017- Valentine’s Day is here, do you need Valentine’s day treats for your kids? There’s nothing like a delicious bundle of goodies for your child to take to school that are fun, creative and delicious, but what is that exactly? We have a few ideas to make it extra special.
These Cupcakes in ice cream cones are a wonderful sweet treat to send to school with your child on Valentine’s Day. Unlike regular cupcakes these Cupcake Cones are decorated with sprinkles instead of frosting which means less mess for everyone. They can be packaged easily for school- you can pile them in a Ziplock, place them in a box or line them in Tupperwear.
There are few other things to consider when making sweets and treats with children,
Under 5, try having ingredients pre measured, so all they have to do is add it to the bowl. They love mixing at this age, so if all you have them do is pour in premeasured ingredients and stir they will be happy. Keep the recipe super simple – try my chocolate and pistachio bark or chocolate dipped strawberries.
6-10, they are ready for more complex skills: cracking eggs, grabbing the ingredients from pantry and the refrigerator, reading directions, etc. Try my chocolate chip and banana muffins.
Over 10, let them do it! Stay close to guide but seriously I’ve seen kids this age accomplish amazing things on their own. Remember to tell your kids the number one rule-Clean up is as important as the cooking. Try my cupcake cones recipe or M &M cookies.
Time frame: Do you have enough time. Children move slowly so add an extra twenty minutes to your time frame. Especially consider this for your older children. When they’re cooking they will definitely make mistakes and will need time to fix them.
Ingredients: Buy extra. No one is perfect when cooking (even me) and to prevent total melt down after a cooking disaster you might want to have extra on hand.
More than one child: If your kids are like my kids there is massive fighting when it comes to who gets to do what, so create a plan before you start so everyone knows what they are doing from beginning to end.
Cleaning up: There is nothing worse than having a little one screaming about messy hands and not being able to get the food off quick enough. Things to know: flour removes dough from sticky hands (sprinkle the flour on the and rub them together over the trash can), a bowl of warm water and a clean towel (not paper) will remove runny chocolate, dish soap that fights grease will quickly remove butter or oil.
The recipe: Cupcake Cones
1. ¾ pounds unsalted butter
2. 2 cups of sugar
3. 5 extra large eggs
4. 1 ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
5. 1 teaspoon baking powder
6. ½ teaspoon baking soda
7. ½ teaspoon salt
8. 1 cup milk
9. Flat bottomed iced cream cone
10. Sprinkles
Cream the butter and sugar for 3 minutes
Add the eggs one at a time
Add the vanilla- it will look curdled
Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients and then add a 1/3 of the milk. Continue until you have added all of dry and wet ingredients.
Pour into ice cream cones and top with sprinkles.
Bake for as long as it takes.
Like this article check out some of our other favorites- Cooking with a child on my hip Cooking a letter to my first kitchen.
Just for reading this article I will give you one of my most important secrets- Fill the cones only 2/3rds of the way. If it’s filled anymore the cake batter will run over the sides and look a mess.
Here’s the recipe for all you anxious readers!