Los Angeles, Ca, – Pasta, pasta, pasta. I don’t know about you, but it feels like it’s on the menu every night at my house. So, how do I spruce up pasta? Three simple ways will give you a million different combinations (ok maybe not a million, but a lot!)
Focus on three elements: shape, flavor and add ins.
First the shape-every night serve different shapes to make you feel like you’re having something new.
Second focus on the flavor- buy plain, protein, vegetable based, etc to mix it up.
Third the pasta is all about the add ins-different vegetables, proteins and cheeses will really make you feel like you’re eating something completely different from the night before.
This website is loaded with delicious pasta recipes and we have more recipes on our horizon, so please explore the recipes we have and check back in the near future for more. Hopefully you’ll find recipes that will work for your family.
For now check out our delicious baked pasta with black olives, homemade pasta recipe, orzo with asparagus and mushroom and parmesan ravioli. We love them all!
If you’re really brave, try our homemade pasta recipe and check out our tips on how to make it.
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