Dear Mary,
I am so excited about the movie Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, I saw years ago that you raved about the book. My daughter’s birthday is coming up and I am taking her and her friends. When they come home I thought it would be fun to have a party revolving around the movie. What should I make?
Dear Debra,
I have been counting down the days ’til the movie comes out. I hope it is as good as the book. Your daughter is a lucky girl. I suggest having huge School House Pancakes, Drizzling Marinara with Meatballs, and Mad Chasing Pizza. You could do large pitcher’s of water and as a party favor you could hand out candy ice cream cones, fortune cookies and little packs of sardines. The great news is you can’t go wrong. The whole movie is about food, and almost anything would work. I wish I was creating your party, it sounds like a great one.