Beef Bolognese (a simple white sauced recipe)

Bolognese is a comfort food in the winter and while I was pregnant the first time I think I ate it every other meal. This recipe is not a tomato base recipe, it’s more of a simple slightly thin white sauce.


  • Heat a large pot with oil and add the onions and carrots to the pan.
  • Cook them until they’re soft and aromatic.
  • Season the carrots and onions with salt.
  • When the carrot and onion begin to brown remove them from the pan and keep them close by in a bowl.
  • Next, add the ground beef to the pan and cook it until the beef is slightly browned about 10 minutes on a medium heat.
  • Add the carrots and onion to the pot once the meat is ready.
  • Mix everything together and then turn the fire off and add the white wine.
  • Turn the fire back on to a low heat and reduce the wine until it’s almost completely absorbed into the meat mixture.
  • Add the water, Better than Bouillon, bay leaves, salt and pepper.
  • Simmer the mixture for a 30 on a low fire.
  • When the half-hour is up temper the milk (add the hot liquid to the cold liquid to increase the temperature of the cold liquid) and then add it back into the pot.
  • Simmer for another 20-30 minutes.
  • Add two large handfuls of cooked spaghetti to the Bolognese and toss everything together.
  • When you serve the pasta as a platter or individually top it with parmesan and cracked pepper.

Note: This makes a thin sauced Bolognese that is meaty.

