Baked cheese risotto

Risotto makes you feel warm and cozy this time of year. Of course it’s not one of the healthiest recipes but as always life in moderation. This recipe is delicious baked or not baked (just leave the topping off and serve it right after you add the cheese). Just a simple note about this recipe, if you do bake it it’s not as creamy in texture it’s still delicious but a little different than traditional risotto. However, the good news is, if you don’t bake it then it’s a traditional risotto! Enjoy.


In a large saucepot add 1-tablespoon oil and sauté the onions until they are glossy and aromatic.

Season the onions with ½ teaspoon of salt.

Add the Arborio rice and the 2 tablespoons of butter.

Season the Arborio rice, onions and now melted butter with ½ teaspoon of salt.

Turn the fire off and add the white wine to the Arborio rice.

Stir in the white wine.

Turn the fire on to low and reduce the wine fully into the rice.

Add ¾ warm chicken stock to the Arborio rice and slowly turn the rice in a flipping motion frequently until all of the chicken stock is incorporated.

Once the stock is incorporated add a second ¾ cup of stock to the rice and again flip the rice and continue to cook until all of the stock has been absorbed to the rice.

Add ¼ teaspoon of salt and the 3rd batch of chicken stock this time only adding 1.2 a cup.

Continue to flip and cook into the rice.

Do a forth pour of chicken stock into the pot and fully cook into the Arborio rice.

Add 1-tablespoon butter and 2 tablespoon of cheese and stir in.

Season with salt (you probably won’t need it) and fresh cracked pepper.

Add the rice to your desired baking dish and top with topping.

Bake uncovered for 15 minutes on 350 until the top is brown.

*Breadcrumb Topping

Serves 5


Mix slightly soft butter into the breadcrumbs.

It should look like wet sand.

Then add Parmesan cheese and set it aside until you need it.

