Everyone needs a good Asparagus soup recipe. This recipe I created for Traditional Home Magazine is delicious with it’s hint of pistachio and cream.
This Asparagus soup tastes like asparagus, but it’s softer and milder than plain asparagus, because it has zucchini in the soup recipe. Paired with a hint of cream it makes it delicious and a perfect starter to any meal.
Fine the recipe HERE. You’ll have to leave my sight to find it but I promise you’ll be in good hands at Traditionalhome.com. If you would like to stay I’ve got some great recipes right here at Hail Mary Food of Grace- Tomato and rice soup or classic minestrone one of my all time favorites.
What is your favorite soup? We want to know.
Asparagus soup
Course: Appetizer, Sides, Soup
Cuisine: American
Servings: 4