Los Angeles, Ca – Due to the ever-present food commercials, editorial advertisements, coupons and the convenience of junk food it can be difficult to decipher what foods are healthy. Then to take it one step further and really know and understand what the best options are to fill your kitchen with. Nutrition and healthy foods are on the topic of almost every conversation and so, it’s time to get in the game.
Cravings for salty, fatty and sweet foods are fierce, and the food industry capitalizes on this, spending millions of dollars a year telling us that we are hungry when we are not, and urging us to satisfy our cravings. To prevent yourself from falling into this vicious cycle Ask yourself “am I REALLY hungry?” before eating allows you to assess your body’s real needs, or if you just want a tasty treat.
Categorize foods into two areas: 1. those you need, and 2. those you want. Your body needs proteins, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Avoid (as best you can) candy bars, chips, and sodas, which your body wants, but does not NEED.
After assessing your innate need you can make the best decision for both you and the foods to keep in your kitchen.

“Healthful eating is one of your best personal investments! Health is linked to many things. Certainly your genes, your age, your surroundings, your lifestyle, your healthcare and your culture all make a difference. But good nutrition and physical activity are central players, too.” According to The American Dietics Association’s, Complete. Food and nutrition guide, by Roberta Larson Duyff (Pg 5)
The Food Groups
A well-balanced diet includes vegetables, proteins, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, fats, oils, vinegars, and even sweets and treats occasionally. The best diet is rich with different types of whole and non-pre done foods. These will give your body all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs.
Vegetables offer a wide variety of daily vitamins and minerals for optimal health. The USDA recommends 2-½ cups every day. It is important to include different types, colors, and textures of vegetables for they all contain different vitamins and minerals. Diversifying your vegetable intake will load you up with fiber and give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function at its best.
Proteins are the building blocks of our body. Fish, poultry and eggs are great sources of protein that can be easily digested with little stress on your body. Remember that the types of food you eat are as important as the amount you eat. We Americans eat more protein than we need. On average, men should eat around 52-56 grams daily, and women need about 46 grams a day. Make sure to get enough protein for lean, easy to digest sources but don’t forget balance allows you to enjoy everything.
Nuts and Seeds are superfoods packed with antioxidants that will help you live a long and healthy life. Add Walnuts (or any other nuts) to your diet to reap the benefits of this superfood. However, make sure to eat them in moderation, and not as a substitute for something else you currently eat, because while nuts are terrific for you, they have are high in calories.
Eating fruits regularly can reduce your risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes. For a well balanced diet include 1 ½ cups of whole fruits a day, focusing on darker colored fruits, because they contain tons of vitamins and minerals the body needs. Make sure to eat mostly whole fruits rather than smoothies and juices, which have unwanted calories and much less valuable fiber, than whole fruits.
More than a decade ago society developed new techniques for processing grain, stripping away the healthy parts of the grain found in whole grain products to create white bread and rice. However, a scientific assessment revealed that whole grains were far healthier than the fractured ones. Once again, conventional wisdom is to eat whole grains that have all their vitamins and minerals intact. It is important to eat about 6 oz of whole grains daily, to reap the benefits of the high fiber.
Fats & Oils
While we generally try to avoid saturated fats found in animals, we actually do need some healthy fats in our body, like the monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in plants. Olive oil, a great source of a healthy fat, it has a rich beautiful flavor that can top off and layer any dish with a smooth taste. Your body needs monosaturated fats to help break down vitamins in your body as well as help brain function, and olive oil is a great source. Plus there is research to support that small amounts of extra virgin olive oil can help reduce coronary heart disease.
Dairy includes all foods derived from liquid milk (while some consider eggs to be dairy, they are not). Make sure to select low fat dairy products instead of whole fat milks and cheeses unless you are under the age of four (younger children need the extra fat in their diet for brain development), because the non/low fat versions provide the same nutrients with less than half the fat.
Vinegars and mustards
The rich tangy flavors of vinegars and mustards add a terrific layer to almost anything that you’re cooking, without the fat of other meal enhancers, making them a great way to add some guilt-free flavor to your cooking.
Sweets and Treats
Little introduction is needed here. Chocolate, cakes, and cookies are among the many sweets that fit into this category. While these are empty calories, they finish a beautiful dinner nicely, so indulge yourself occasionally, but remember to eat sweets and treats in moderation. If possible, replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate; which is full of antioxidants plus it is a mood elevator.
The information provided is general information about healthy eating. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment that may have been prescribed by your physician or other healthcare provider. Always consult a physician before starting any new diet or regimen.